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How To Create A Page In Php

Related code:. Yesterday I posted a tutorial on. To make some follow up with my registration page tutorial, I decided to create another tutorial on how to create a login page using PHP/MySQL.

A PHP script block must begin with php and end with?. A PHP script block can appear anywhere in a PHP file. Then, you should start a new document in TextEdit for your phpinfo.php file. Upload the file to the server. Super Game 300 more. You should upload your file to the exact directory you want to test.

How To Create A Page In Php

The Features of my login page contain input validation using PHP session. One unique feature also with my login page is the logout function, it is unique because unlike with other login page once the user click the logout button and click the back button of the browser, their system allows the user to go back as if it still logged in, which is not appropriate for security reason. But here in my login page once the user click the logout button, the user can no longer go back to their previous page.

Create Page In Fb