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How To Include A Js File In Html

Repeated elements on a site allow for consistency in the user experience. A visitor does not need to locate the navigation on every page because once they have found it, they know where it will be on other pages of the site they visit. As someone tasked with managing a website, these repeated areas offer a challenge. What if you need to make a change to something in that area? For example, if your footer (which is on every page of the site) includes a copyright statement with a year, what happens when that year changes and you need to edit the date?

Since that section is on every page, you now need to edit every single page of your site individually to make that change - or do you? Gta San Andreas Modified Cars Patch on this page. Included content can eliminate the need to have to edit every page of your site for this repeated content. Instead, you simply edit one file and your entire site and every page in it gets the update! Let's look at a few ways you can add this functionality into your site and include one HTML file in a number of others.

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You can make things even more elegant by moving the clientSideInclude function to a separate file, clientSideInclude.js.