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Learn Bootstrap Development By Building 10 Project

Learn Bootstrap - a sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster & easier web development. Today, we bring you a course that will not only teach you Bootstrap, but will also ensure you are conversant enough to use it in a practical scenario.

Learn Bootstrap Development By Building 10 ProjectBootstrap Development Tools

Seeds:2 Leech:1 3.09 Gb learn bootstrap development by building 10 projects.

You will get an indepth understanding of: • Bootstrap framework • UI customization • 12 column grid system • Bootstrap components & widgets • Forms, lists & tables • LESS & Saas CSS pre-processors • Responsive media queries Buy now & save over 90% on the regular price. Get it just for $19 (DealClub $14.25). Course Curriculum • Section 1: Getting Started With Bootstrap • Section 2: Photo App Sales Website • Section 3: Portfolio Resume Using SASS • Section 4: Social Network Template • Section 5: Agency Landing Page Using LESS • Section 6: Photo Gallery • Section 7: CMS Admin Template • Section 8: Web Hosting Company Website • Section 9: Ecommerce Template • Section 10: Business Bootstrap Theme • Section 11: Blog Website • Section 12: Course Summary You can get this course on at $199 but on Dealfuel you can get it for only $19!

See what others are saying: Great course/Highly recommend. This course gives a decent diagram of Bootstrap. I sense that I have a vastly improved handle on utilizing bootstrap and would prescribe it to anyone who wishes to learn Bootstrap. Which is great, particularly since you require a ton of the design, yet I think you receive a ton in return by taking after along and building the illustration application yourself.

Very comprehensive without dragging on. Kept me engaged throughout.

Videos are very clear and good structured so if you watch them one by one and try to write the code you see in the lecture then no doubt you will be able to go further. Great Instructor. - Ambadi Ready to grab this amazingly useful course to learn Bootstrap just for $19?

Bootstrap is the world's most popular mobile ready web development framework for HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Bootstrap is for you if you want to quickly build a super cool website which work across devices and browsers.

It is easy to learn and super powerful. We have bought together all the best practices of building bootstrap sites into an unique project based course which will teach you all the nuances of web development while building real world bootstrap projects. The projects cover generic development process and are diverse enough to cover a very wide variety of websites. The projects covered in the course are Photo App Sales Website: A simple project to get you started.

It will help you quickly master the basic bootstrap structures and you will be quickly up and running on your first bootstrap website. Portfolio Resume using SASS - Learn to use SASS along with Bootstrap for this next project. Learn about Grid Systems, List Styling and Progress Bar Components in this course.

Social Network Template - This will be a fairly complex project with multiple bootstrap components. You will learn about Nested grids, Button Groups, Gallery plugin and Responsive Media Queries. Agency Landing page - This project develops a landing page using LESS. LESS is a CSS preprocessor. You will also learn Jumbotron showcase,Scroll Down Effect and Font Awesome Icons. Photo Gallery - You will learn to create a Photo gallery display using components such as Grid UI and Tab Widget.

You will also learn the use of Bootstrap Image Carousel and Photo Lightbox Jquery Plugin. CMS Admin Template - Learn to build an Admin template for a content management system. You will learn the use of Bootstrap Table Classes,Glyphicons, Breadcrums and Button Groups Web hosting Company Website - This project will teach you Bootstrap Components such as Bootswatch UI tools, Content carousel, Stack icons and stylish fonts. E-commerce Template - Learn to build a front end of an E-commerce website.

Learn components such as Tab Widget, Product Grid and Custom header. Business Bootstrap Theme - Learn to use animation in your website with animate css.

Also learn to optimize your site for mobile with this amazing project. Gc Rom Download/ Download Fast on this page. Blog Website - Learn to build the front end of the blog with components such as Dropdown menu, Contact form, Carousel Thumbnails & Grid View. With all this projects under your back you can build almost anything with Bootstrap. So click that Enroll button and see you on the other side.