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Legend Of The Seeker Season 3 Movie

Craig Horner

Watch Legend Of The Seeker - Season 2 Full Movie Online Free Series9 Gostream Fmovies Seriesonline, Season 2 opens with the defeat of Darken Rahl causing a.

Bridget Regan, Legend of the Seeker Now that ABC Studios' has been canceled, star is sad to say goodbye to her character, Kahlan. With the finale airing this weekend (check local listings), the 28-year-old actress spoke to about how the series will wrap up, why the show didn't get another season and what she would've wanted for Kahlan had it continued. What can you tell us about the upcoming series finale? Bridget Regan: The finale was by far the most full-on exhausting episode out of all 44 I've done. It was absolutely incredible. I was back on the horse quite a bit doing stunts that I have never done.

It's where everything comes together, or comes to an end really, and it was so high-energy. For Kahlan it's an absolute roller coaster and I will say I was wearing a lot of red contact lenses — the fans know what that's about. Will it tie things up? Regan: At the end of Season 1 we all thought after we read the scripts it felt like we were done.

Construction Site Fire Plan Template. Everything was wrapped up and it was completed, but I think it's something that mirrored the books in that each book as a series is kind of wrapped up, but then there's always what would happen next? It does wrap up in a way and it's really culminating in the end of the world and us winning or losing. Have you seen the fan effort for a Seeker Season 3? Regan: The people that know the show absolutely love it.

I'm on Twitter and I don't get to read everything people write, but you see people write 'Save our Seeker, Save our Seeker' and people have told me about the efforts and honestly I'm with them and I'm behind them. I think the show has only gotten better and better, but we didn't have the best airtimes. What's difficult with syndication is it's hard for people to find it. In San Diego it's on at Sundays at 3 or something like that and I'm not usually home on Sundays at 3. My Lucky Star Eng Sub. If there were a Season 3, what would you like to see for Kahlan? Regan: I would've wanted her to have good times. They're always fighting like it's the end of the world. Whenever I get a moment to laugh or smile it's the best. But she's always being kidnapped and fighting people and narrowly escaping death, so it would've been nice for her to be with Richard and start a family and do all those things she dreamed of. I like happy Kahlan.

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[size=13pt] hope I'm doing this the way the OP intended... Old & new: 24, LOST, Spartacus, Game of Thrones, Chuck,The Event, Flashforward,V ((The Original)) and others.... Opinion on Legend of the Seeker: I still like the show but after awhile it really did start to sink in for me how much better it could have been as a loyal adaptation of the books. Oh well, in my opinion I think it will be rebooted someday. The story is far too popular with too large a fanbase not to be. Another good thing is that the show brought more people to the books. Have you read the Sword of Truth series?: Yes.They were awesome.

Finished A Song of Ice and Fire book awhile back as well so I might return to Sword of Truth. If you have read the books because of the show, which do you think was better and why?: I actually looked up that the show was in production and it was then that made my final decision to read the books. The main reason though was that I had a friend who would read them during work and I was interested.

Would like to see if any of you agree or disagree if the show could have been so much more than it was?: Without a doubt. Though as a show on it's own, it wasn't terrible.

What bugged you about the show?: What bugged me was Richard losing hiz wizard powers to escape the Palace of the Prophets and never getting them back. That storyline was completely butchered as well and I had been looking forward to it. No Raina and Berdine! Really would have liked to see the Mud people as well and the scene in the spirit house with the apple. I have both seasons on DVD and I actually haven't watched them again. Also the budget was so damn cheap they couldn't have Scarlet the dragon!