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Openbor Beats Of Rage

Openbor Beats Of Rage

Wow, is it the last day of The Week of Rage: Stage 2 already? Damnmaybe I’ll have to consider a third stage at some point. Seeing as the theme of this second tribute is the community scene, collaboration and homebrew, I thought I’d end the Open BoR showcase with a mish-mash title. Bringing together a ton of beat-em-up characters under one game, Violent Storm: The Revenge is a neat title that tributes Streets of Rage and Final Fight perfectly. Playable characters include Guy from Final Fight (in his Street Fighter Alpha outfit), Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury/King of the Fighters, Mike Haggar from Final Fight and Hannah Dundee from Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. There are also two characters I can’t place so I left them out. It’s a similar story to Final Fight, with a captive lady-person needing rescued, resulting in a lot of broken faces and bruised knuckles.

The video preview below shows a bar fight that eventually spills out onto the rainy streets. Some familiar enemies pop up, including Y.Signal from Streets of Rage 3 at 2:55. Tryg Med Pc. Check it out, it’s going to be great once it’s finished. I’ll do a blog post once a playable demo goes live on Lavalit. Gameplay footage. Being a big Castlevania fan, I thought I’d showcase this next OpenBoR title Nightslashers X.