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Apy Lands Fostership Program

Apy Lands Fostership ProgramFostership Definition

• • • • • • • • • • • What is the APY Lands Main Access Road project? The A nangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands Main Access road project is an upgrade to the 210 km main access road between the Stuart Highway and Pukatja in the APY Lands. In addition, approximately 21 km's of community and airstrip access roads in Pukatja (Ernabella), Umuwa, Kaltjiti (Fregon), Mimili and Iwantja (Indulkana) will also form part of the $106.25 million project. When will the project be finished?

Construction is due to begin in mid-late 2015 and the upgrade is be completed by mid 2019. How much will it cost? The total cost of the project is $106.25 million. Who is paying for it? Valenta Dragon Manual on this page. Red Hat Linux 6 Video Tutorials Free Download more.

The Australian Government are funding $85 million with the South Australian State Government matching funding on an 80/20 basis contributing a further $21.25 million to the total project cost of $106.25 million. What are the benefits? The improvements will provide a range of community benefits and will contribute to national and state Aboriginal affairs policy objectives.

Benefits include: • Sustained employment opportunities • Safer travel between the communities • Improved delivery of food supplies • Improved emergency service access during poor weather • Improved access to training and employment opportunities • Improved living standards as a result of better services access • Additional community interaction and social exchange • Less wear and tear on vehicles • Less road flooding • All weather access in bad weather e.g. Sealed floodway’s. How long will construction take? The project is expected to take approximately five years to complete, with the construction staged in sections. Why are there reduced speed limits? Constructing a new road with complex construction works, within a narrow corridor and a constantly changing environment, while safely maintaining an operating road network has many challenges. A reduced speed limit will be implemented for the safety of all road users and workers and installed in accordance with Australian Standards and relevant guidelines, as required for construction works.

The restrictions are necessary, regardless of the presence of workers, for several reasons including: • Reduced road widths • Workzone traffic management • Proximity of workers to traffic • Hazards on the road How is the community being engaged throughout the project? Community engagement is a high priority for the department and the APY Executive Board during planning, design and construction of the APY Lands Main Access Road project. The project team will be partnering with the APY Executive Board, Traditional Owners and Communities and will continue to engage with all stakeholders on specific design elements throughout the project. For detailed information visit the page of the project website. Manual Call Point Alarm.

How will sensitive areas be managed? The department has been working in partnership with the APY Executive Board and local stakeholders to assist with management of sensitive heritage and environmental areas during the planning and design phase of the project. The department will continue to engage with these groups throughout.