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Internet Explorer 11 Disable Prompt Er

Right-click “Command Prompt“, then choose “Run as administrator“. Type reg add “HKCU Software Microsoft Internet Explorer Main” /f /v “Check_Associations” /d “no” /t REG_SZ; Press “Enter“. Note: If you copy and paste the above command, the quotes might not paste correctly. Type it out if it’s not working or retype the quotes. Internet Explorer 11 - Disable Download Prompt. In Internet Explorer 11. Aug 30, 2016 Change security and privacy settings for Internet Explorer 11. And then select Internet options. Select the Disable toolbars and extensions when.

Change security and privacy settings for Internet Explorer 11. Select the Disable toolbars and extensions when. And then select Internet.

Windows Security Prompt Internet Explorer

Thanks Justin, the manual method worked fine for me with IE11 on Win7. I don’t recommend the registry hacking batch method. After implementing the manual setting for a different file type I saw the same key name as above in the AttachmentExecute section of the registry, so it’s not a hash of the file suffix. If you really want to go that way, backup the registry and also export the whole registry as a.reg file before making the manual change.

Then dump the.reg file again and compare the before/after with a diff viewer (e.g. Windiff, meld) to see ALL the changes that have happened. If you can’t explain the changes it might be risky to automate them. The manual method worked like a charm. Thank you, kindly. As I use PLS files only in regards to streaming internet radio from Shoutcast, it is the only time I’ll download these files from the internet.

Although I can appreciate the security portion of this (and keeping normal users from using this feature is a great move on Microsoft’s part), saving myself the extra step just makes everything more smooth to me. Thanks again, Justin!

Folks, just follow the directions. I use IE as my main web browser (for professional and personal reasons), and am running IE11 on a licensed Windows 7 SP1 installation. Simply, choose the file you would like to download without interruptionchoose SAVE. Then, once it saves, your prompt will give you the option to “View Downloads.” Click “View Downloads” In the “View Downloads” window, you’ll see the most recent file you downloaded at the top. Simply, right click that entry, and you’ll see the additional options menu.

“Ask Everytime” will have a check next to it. Simply select that option to de-select it, and this particular file type (in my case, PLSperhaps, in yours: PDF) will open automatically I would strongly suggest against doing this for any EXE files, but in the case of PDF and, in my case, PLS, it should be just fine. Justin, I’m running Windows 10 on IE11 and I print a New York crossword every morning. Flatout 2 Game Setup.

I’ve always had to choose “Open” in the Open/Save option to print the.pdf file, so I tried your solution. I got all the ay to your step 7 “Right-click on the file”, but in the drop down menu from the right-click, I do not get the choice of Always ask before opening this type of file? I only get the following choices: Delete file Copy download link Go to download webpage Open containing folder Report that this file is unsafe Rerun security checks on this file.