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Legend Of Queen Opala

Coquette Bold Font on this page. Can somebody help me? I think i have done anything that can be done. Meet the black knight and the vampire and so on but there is one boss that i dont find (king korrus or so) and there is an entrance in the snowy mountain on the left side that does not open.

Legend Of Queen Opala Play

You are not a member of this wiki. Join now Dismiss. Guest Join Help Sign In. Sep 18, 2016 [ATTACH] Authors explanation: It's a RPG series I've been making, using the RPG Maker XP engine, blending RPG.

How can i get there? Camelback Backpack Manual. Thank for helpActually there are two bosses left. Corrus is found on Snowy Mountain. But you only get to him by meeting the mercenary on the street in the Capital, going to the house in Greece and meeting her, and then following her to Snowy Mountain. You meet the Time Demon in Greece only after all the other bosses are gone. Re: Legend of queen opala walkthrough alright, i have done basically everything i believe. I have started new game + killed all legendaries including king corrus i have opala, farah, and osira on my team every1 in my mansion every character i can possible have on my team killed the time dude have naacia as my slave have all except illustration 19 14 sunstones and moonstones the only thing i cant do is get the blacksmith guy again for some reason he isnt in his cave, does any1 know how i can get him there??