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The Art Of Card Throwing Rick Smith Jr S

How to Throw Cards like Rick Smith Jr Rick has put together an instructional video that teaches the art of throwing cards for distance, speed and accuracy. A1 magical media. Topple a pyramid of soda cans. ebay!

Hi Everybody, I went through Rick's DVD again today, except this time I did it to write this review. I tried to be as detailed as I could without exposing or giving away too much of the information. Title: The Art of Card Throwing Featuring: Rick Smith Jr. Produced By: A1 Magical Media Retail Price: $34.95 Where to buy it?: - For the special SIGNED copy of his DVD. Overall: 9/10 Contents: Card Throwing: • Introduction to Card Throwing • Card Throwing Grips - Jay Grip - Herman Grip - Rick’s Grip • Throwing Techniques for Distance - Correct Grip - Body Positioning - How your body moves as you throw • Throwing Techniques for Accuracy - Correct Grip - Body Positioning - How your body moves as you throw • Multiple Card Throwing (Throwing card after card FAST without having to load and re-grip each card separately.) • Thumb Shooting • Boomerang card • Canned (Rick’s “carnival” game – Knocking over six stacked cans with a single playing card! Here is a review I did for Rick: On March 21, 2002, Rick Smith Jr. Shattered a world record by tossing a playing card an astounding 216 feet 4 inches - topping the previous record by over 10 feet!

Now for the first time ever, Rick Smith Jr. Explains to us mere mortals how to accomplish such a feat in his DVD, 'The Art of Card Throwing'.

Never before has there been such a comprehensive DVD on card throwing, flourishes, and stunts! In addition to seeing Rick Smith Jr.'

S outstanding world record breaking moment, you will learn how to throw a playing card for speed, distance and accuracy. There are several techniques, grips and stances taught here, as well as a few mind boggling stunts.

The Art Of Card Throwing Rick Smith Jr SThe Art Of Card Throwing

I for one am most grateful to Rick Smith Jr. For sharing such coveted information with the rest of the magic community. After watching the DVD I tried some of the techniques, and almost immediately noticed I had better distance and speed!

I could not believe it! Even more, it's not all that hard. Atomic Email Studio 8.40 Keygen. Yes, it will take some practice to break the world record, but I can guarantee the time spent will be well worth your efforts. You even get the benefit of positive motivation from actually seeing your improvements! I could go on about how excited I am that someone took the time to sit down and explain the art of card throwing, but I will be the first to admit, I hope no one realizes the fun and potential of this DVD (No offense Rick). This is TOO good to share!

A friend of mine bought this DVD and we watched it together. I was not impressed to say the least and neither was my friend although I guess this depends on who you are and what you want to get out of the tape. If you really want to learn to throw cards, I guess this would be good for you. I just can't see this having a practical use in the real world and I highly suggest against trying some of the stunts he tries like having people stand right by the objects you are shooting. As a lawyer I can't think of a quicker way to get sued than to hit someone in the eye with a card traveling 90 mph.

What Rick does is impressive, but you've got to really want to be able to thow cards if you are willing to pay $35 for this DVD. I agree that the DVD is aimed for someone wanting to learn to throw cards, and otherwise may not be completely worth the money. Probably the best card throwing technic I have learned from Rick is the multiple card throwing moves. I actually have used it in a way of producing cards this way during a manipulation act, and then throwing them off into the audience. Be warned though, there IS a certain way you must throw cards into the audience to avoid hurting someone in the crowd. A boomerang card on thrown farther.

You also have to put a lot more spin than actual POWER while doing this. Evan JHodgeCMI Veteran user Washington State 352 Posts. I just got this DVD and here is my review: First, I was wondering if I was watching a leave it to beaver show. The production was extremely cheesy and I think Ricky could do much better than the Maxwell production! Program De Facut Server De Cs 1.6.