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Patch Termsrv.dll 2003

Patch Termsrv.dll 2003

By Toufiq Ali, Before you read further make sure you back up all the original settings of the registry or set create a restore point of your system. I assume reader know what a windows remote terminal service is. If not please refer to In Windows XP when a remote user tries to connect using the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client in Windows XP, the local user is disconnected from his current session forcefully. RDC, unlike Terminal Server Services in Windows 2000, Server 2003 and Server 2008, is designed for only one session at a time.

This excerpt aims at making terminal services functionality of multiple user login from Windows server 2000, windows server 2003 etc in Windows XP. This would be very useful in environment where the network admin often troubleshoots problem on the network using RDC. Keep reading as the hack unfolds to enable concurrent remote desktop connection sessions support in Windows XP using the following patched files. • Download from the link given below on the system where you want to enable concurrent RDC connections. Software Unlock Modem Cdma Pcmcia Cards here. Windows XP SP1 and SP2: Windows XP RTM, SP1 and Windows XP SP2: Windows XP Windows XP SP3: Windows XP Before you go ahead further, you should be in the safe mode (Press F8 during boot up). If you don’t want to prolong your wait to see this work, 1.

Windows Server 2003; Virtualization. The patched file is termsrv.dll version 5.1.2600.5512 which was. Run the included registry patch “ts_concurrent.

Goto ‘Start’ >‘Run’ services.msc 2. Right click on Terminal services & goto Properties. From the startup type drop down choose disable or simply stop the services. Click on apply or Ok & exit the services.msc file. Go to%windir%System32 and & rename the termsrv.dll to anything that you can remember. Go to%windir%System32dllcache & rename the termserv.dll.

Copy the downloaded termsrv.dll in the following two locations 1. To%windir%System32 2.%windir%System32dllcache. Blue Alienware Skin Pack For Windows 8. Note: when you copy the files Windows will pop up the Windows File Protection dialog box. Click the cancel button & then Yes to keep this copy of the patched file. Now, download and run the concurrent_sessions.bat file. Click yes to add these values to the registry or you can run Registry Editor to manually add the following registry value: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001ControlTerminal ServerLicensing Core] “EnableConcurrentSessions”=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon] “EnableConcurrentSessions”=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon] “AllowMultipleTSSessions”=dword:00000001 6. Click on Start Menu ->Run command and type gpedit.msc, 7. Gigabyte Smart Quickboost.